Monday, January 14, 2013

iPotty - Kid's Dream for Toilet Training Gadget

Many peoples are staring at the same point on CES 2013. Yapsss that is iPotty, a toilet-training device for digitally connected kids. It's a fairly straightforward potty trainer with a holder designed for the iPad. There isn't a specific app to go with the $40 toilet, but parents can use any of the several options already available in the App Store. The idea is to get the kid to stay on the loo for as long as it takes to get the job done. Entertaining the little ones with an iPad may not be the worst way to achieve this goal.

Meet the iPotty, $40 children’s potty with built in iPad stand. This colorful contraption provides the perfect size potty for those being trained. Take off the top, insert the front ‘shield’ if needed, pop in your iPad – which remains out of the range of fire and has a plastic cover to ensure dryness.  Hopefully the kid will stay on the iPotty long enough to get engaged in the app you choose and take care of business.



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