Thursday, July 21, 2011

Razer Mouse Bungee

Remember in the days when computer mice had trackballs..

Getting the right kind of mouse pad is very important – after all, that alongside Teflon feet help your mouse glide over effortlessly, so that you will be able to have precise aim at your target, fragging them to kingdom come with the rocket launcher or railgun. Fast forward to today and you have optical mice being the norm, and while laser tracking works well on most surfaces, hardcore gamers would still prefer the comfort of a dedicated mouse pad to get the job done.

Razer, being an old hand when it comes to gaming peripherals, has just announced that they have updated the Razer Mouse Bungee – where the device will boast of a stable, taut arm, helping thread your mouse cord through it so that said cord will not experience any form of dragg against surfaces or end up being in a tangled mess. Not only that, with anti-slip feet as well as a weight installed in the Razer Mouse Bungee’s base, it will remain immobile regardless of just how aggressive your swipes are.

This gadget was announced in late 2010, but has appeared for sale on Razer and Amazon just now. More precisely, they have started accepting pre-orders, and the approximate date of shipment will be July 28. The cost is roughly equal to $ 20.



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